About me

Me (IzaacCoding36)
Hello! I am Izaac Colodel de Oliveira, I am 16 years old and from the State of ParanĂ¡, Brazil. Digitally I identify myself as IzaacCoding36.
I am a high school student who has the desire to become a Front-End programmer or a hacker/cybersecurity professional.
All this interest I have in technology started in 2020, the year in which the COVID-19 virus emerged, which led everyone to learn about and adapt to new technologies, such as working from home and video calls through the internet. Over the years everything got better, until in 2022 I made my first contact with programming by taking a course on the Alura platform, from then on, I went deep into this area.
Some of my favorite hobbies are: Programming (of course), Drawing things I like, playing some console games, watching some news on the internet and studying (it's always good to learn new things).


Well, as I'm still in high school and don't work yet, I don't have professional experience, however, I'm taking several courses to specialize myself, and other than that, I also know how to do a lot of cool things. Check out:
  • Alura: 94 hours of Programming courses || 18 hours of Front-end courses || 55 hours of Data Science courses || (to check my Alura profile click here)
  • EF Business: Intermediate and advanced level English
  • Hackers do Bem: Leveling and Basic level cybersecurity course (144 hours)
  • Knowledges:
  • Programming languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Bash, C++, SQL.
  • General: Video and photo editing, handling Artificial Intelligence, use of programs/softwares, use of Linux & Windows Terminal.

  • Well, I'm very happy to be sharing all this, and also to have programmed, translated and managed this entire website you are on now.
    You are the one who makes the future, so check out all my projects and updates on my Github and share your ideas via my email:

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    ®2024 IzaacWeb, @IzaacCoding36. All rights reserved. Content subject to availability.

    IzaacWeb is a website where I present my developed projects. The site is powered by Github Pages and Vercel.